A New Look!
With spring in the air the workshop has been receiving some much needed TLC. Along with a new floor being laid, walls have received a lick of paint, unwanted or unused items have been removed, and workstations cleaned down. Whilst being a logistical headache, with the inevitable disruption, staff and service users have coped well with the situation, shown full cooperation and treated the challenge as something of an adventure. Work stations have now steadily been moved back into situ and operations are returning to return to normal.
All associated with SCB would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to ‘SIKA’, who kindly donated the products for the floor upgrade, and to ‘KEMTILE’, who have laid the floor over three weekends to minamise down time. The newly painted walls, together with the upgraded floor, have lifted the workshop, making for a more pleasant environment for all.