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putting our future together

Developing skills, confidence, social interaction, knowledge and an understanding of the workplace.

About us

Supported Community Business was founded in 1998 by John Coupland and his co-founder Mike Card.

SCB was born out of the desire of John’s daughter, who had additional support needs, to have access to the same working opportunities and experiences as other people her age. She wanted to learn what it was to work, to feel a sense of achievement, earn an income, meet friends, and have a sense of purpose.

Failing to locate such an opportunity, John and his co-founder created SCB in October 1998. To this day, the charity continues to help others achieve their goals and develop their potential.

About us

Our aims are

  • To establish a strong community-based charity with a culture of equal opportunities for all, irrespective of any disability.
  • To promote equal opportunities and life enhancement for people with additional support needs.
  • To provide a safe environment for service users, enabling them to acquire a better quality of life through increased confidence, higher self-esteem, and a sense of being valued.
  • To help people with additional support needs develop both their personal and work skills, ensuring progress toward reaching their full potential.
  • To provide support to service users’ families and carers through respite, enabling them to organise their day around SCB attendance.
  • To operate as a business resource that aims to produce a quality service at competitive rates, with all earnings reinvested back into the charity to further support our service users.

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our clients

Our Clients