Cheshire police and crime commissioner funding
SCB (adults with additional support needs) are delighted to announce it has been successful in its application to police and crime commissioner David Keane’s Community Police Fund to deliver a project to make a wellness and training room at the workshop.
The project has been awarded a £1,000 grant to help fund the room which will enable staff to offer dedicated safety training to small groups whilst also providing a ‘safe’ space to those who maybe require some ‘time out’ when overwhelmed with the challenges of everyday life.
The Community Police Fund links directly to the recently launched initiative to increase police visibility in every community in Cheshire by providing a dedicated Police Constable (PC) and Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) for all 122 policing communities. SCB worked closely with its local policing team, PC John Roberts and PCSO Tim Davey, to develop the bid to ensure it addressed local community safety issues.
The fund has been developed using money seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act (PoCA) 2002 to send a clear message to criminals that crime doesn’t pay.
PCC David Keane said: “By taking out the profits that fund crime and reinvesting them into community, we can help prevent further offences and increase community safety. This fund is empowering our local communities to work directly with our 122 community PCs and PCSOs on tailored projects which make a real difference to your local area. I look forward to seeing the difference this project will make in preventing crime and anti-social behaviour.”
Colin Mills, SCB Workshop Manager & Trustee, said: “We have welcomed the support shown to us by the local Police Community Officers over the past few years through their visits. Service users have formed good relationships and respect for the community officers and taken on board their advice. This grant means we can now take this relationship to the next level and provide more dedicated training in an informal manner.”
Find out more at: ceeds-of-crimecommunity-fund/
Please note: Photograph from our archive and taken pre Covid19